Parks Operations Business Improvement Review

Xyst staff initially carried out a desktop analysis of existing documents relating to service levels, service standards, budgets, customer feedback, asset management plans and strategic plans.

A total of 22 parks were assessed by scoring of a range of criteria based on typical industry standards. The identification of current operational costs and asset provision to determine comparative cost of service on a per hectare or per asset basis was also carried out.

Park user surveys were carried out at 16 different parks to record visitor expectations, satisfaction and behaviour. Three metropolitan councils were interviewed to ascertain how they currently operate (including staff resourcing, organisation chart, scope works, relevant systems and service delivery).

Staff workshops and individual meetings were carried out with parks management staff to develop and understanding of current management and service delivery processes to identify strengths, weaknesses, issues and opportunities for improvement.

Project Benefit

Xyst was engaged to develop a Business Improvement Report for Parks Operations.
Client organisation
City of Glen Eira
Open Space Planning
Quality/performance assessments
Service Delivery
Business Improvement Planning