Nelson Responsible Camping Research

Xyst designed a survey and undertook face-to face interviews with 193 campers located at the Camping Hub or free camping sites using preset questions developed by Xyst and NCC. Questions focused on the
following six areas:
1. Demographics, origin and destination
2. Vehicle type and use of self-contained facilities
3. Use of accommodation other than freedom camping
4. Campers’ budget and level of expenditure
5. Satisfaction with facilities
6. Willingness to pay
Responses were recorded on a mobile device and submitted securely to Xyst’s survey tool Yardstick. A comprehensive report was prepared detailing the learning from the survey.

Project Benefit

Xyst carried out a survey of campers who utilised eight free camping facilities provided by Nelson City Council. The aim of the survey was to improve the Council’s understanding of campers in Nelson City to help improved strategic responses to camping issues.
Client organisation
Nelson City Council
Intercept Surveys
Camping policy