Freedom Camping Review

Xyst was engaged to review the current state of freedom camping in the Ōpōtiki District and provide options and recommendations for the future management of camping in the district.

The review considered the supply and demand for camping in the district, current and potential future freedom camping issues and challenges, the economic and social contribution of camping, analysis of the district camping survey, information available to the public and existing sites.

It also provided insight into strategic approaches to managing camping and regulatory and non-regulatory measures to mitigate or control the impact of camping. A critical component of the report was articulating the effects of recent changes to freedom camping legislation and how these changes might impact freedom camping and freedom camping management in the Ōpōtiki District.

Project Benefit

Xyst undertook a full review and analysis of options for managing freedom camping in the Ōpōtiki District.
Client organisation
Ōpōtiki District Council
Camping policy
Camping strategies