Property and Facilities Activity Management Plan review
Xyst provided an at-a-glance review of the asset management plan as the first stage of Council’s plan rewrite. We prepared a report that lists suggested improvements in a table and will include issues, comments and suggestions for each AMP section. It remained at a high level and did not attempt to address or rewrite any […]
Reserves and Facilities Asset Management Plan Improvement Support
The project for WBOPDC was driven by the need to better structure and streamline the AMP sections, to align the sections to the adopted LTP and levels of service outcomes agreed by Council and the community. It also encompassed the outcome to better consider and explain demand, particularly the relationship of population growth to reserves […]
Boat Ramps Observational Study
Xyst undertook counts, using an observational count of vehicles across all boat ramps with the addition of a user count of park users at Marine Park. We completed 32 counts at each of the locations. At the Boat Ramp carparking areas, we undertook an observational count of vehicles/boats/boat trailers. The points to be counted were: […]
Memorial Headstone Safety Audit
The intent of the audit by Xyst was to inspect memorial headstones for stability/soundness and identify any headstones that may present a risk to cemetery visitors and staff. To provide some context, in July 2000 a six-year-old child died as a result of a collapsed headstone in a UK cemetery. UK Councils responded by increasing […]
Asset Condition and Data Assessment of Parks Assets
Xyst collected asset information on the parks portfolio of assets. The portfolio is spread over 75 parks, reserves and cemeteries across the South Waikato district in Tokoroa, Putararu, Tirau, Arapuni and other rural locations.
Woodlands Estate Reserve Management Plan
Xyst provided lead consultation on review of reserve management plan process for Woodlands Estate – an historic homestead and garden complex near Gordonton. As part of this process, we developed concept plans for the future enhancement of the gardens and grounds, to enable better public access circulation and use of the gardens.
The Point & Kiingitanga – Reserve Management Plan
Waikato District Council engaged Xyst to undertake a review of the 20-year-old RMP, with the new plan focusing on significant cultural values of the area. Reserve management plan hearing panel included iwi representation who supported greater inclusiveness of local mana whenua in planning for future development and use of this land area.
Section 32 Report for Waipā District Council Plan Change 26 Residential Zone Intensification
Waipā (Cambridge, Te Awamutu and Kihikihi), Hamilton and its surrounds were categorised as a Tier 1 urban environment in the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 that was passed on 20 December 2021. Waipā District Council was required to notify a plan change to incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards […]
Bothamley Park Trunk Sewer Upgrade Reserves Act Approvals
Kāinga Ora’s Eastern Porirua Regeneration Project required a major upgrade to the trunk sewer through Bothamley Park. The park is comprised of multiple parcels, is designated as a Landscape Protection Area and Significant Natural Area, and has Kenepuru Stream flowing through it to Te Awarua-o-Porirua (Porirua Harbour). Xyst provided advice on the Reserves Act 1977 […]
Open Space Strategy
Working closely with Kapiti Coast District Council and in partnership with iwi, Xyst developed a Strategy to safeguard and guide the provision of open space for the next 30 years, to ensure the right open space is provided in the right place for future generations to enjoy and cherish. The Strategy was developed using a […]
Kiwirail land use options
The project considered opportunities for use of land that Council leases from KiwiRail. Xyst undertook desktop research and stakeholder consultation to inform potential future opportunities. The project also undertook a review of a playground in close proximity to land within scope.
Public Toilet Strategy
Public toilets are important community facilities for residents and visitors to maintain a safe, healthy, clean and tidy city. This Strategy considers facility provision, distribution, condition, usage, design elements, levels of service, operations and maintenance, future growth and future costs. Xyst provided robust data, information and evidence to inform an implementation plan to be used […]