Howie Park Concept Plan
Xyst undertook consultation with key stakeholders and the community to understand how the park was used and to identify key issues and opportunities to enhance the park. Consultation included intercept surveys, phone interviews and drop-in sessions. A consultation report was developed, followed by three concept plan options for Council.
Pakipaki Church Conservation Feasibility Study
Xyst undertook a feasibility study to determine whether the building could be restored and then for the sustainability of the restored building to remain in sound condition for those activities to be held within and associated to the original Church.
Riverside Park – Consideration of park asset re-establishment
Xyst developed a report taking into consideration the affected park assets, CPTED, implications on the flow of the surrounding park and recommendation for relocation of affected park assets. A range of stakeholders were contacted to inform the report.
Otaraua Multi-Purpose Circuit Needs and Feasibility Assessment
Xyst undertook a Needs and Feasibility study on a proposed multi-purpose circuit, unique to New Zealand due to design specifications meeting the international speed skating requirements whilst also meeting cycling, walking and running event requirements. Assessing the need, Xyst considered the population in the catchment and the growth predictions, the number of potential users given […]
Wellington City Council – Open Space Quality Assessments
As part of the development of a new open space investment strategy for Wellington City, Xyst visited 131 parks and assessed each using our quality assessment tool over a range of factors including community integration, inclusiveness, diversity, regeneration, maintenance and opportunity. An individual scored report was prepared for each site as well as a comprehensive […]
Westshore Playground Renewal – Scoping and Procurement for Design and Build
Key aspects of the project included: Scope development following community consultation Assessment of exisiting play structures Arrangement of site survey and consenting investigations Development of design guidelines for the playground design and build Procurement of contractors for playground removal (including evaluation) Procurement of a playground design and build contractor (including evaluation) Drafting of contracts Comms […]
Recreation Facilities Utilisation Study
The Xyst team undertook an assessment of the sport and recreation facilities across the Ashburton District, providing key provisions including a gap analysis and trend overview for 17 different sport and recreation activities. To support the analysis, we met with different sport and recreation clubs across the district to understand utilisation of their current facilities, […]
Sports Lighting Assessment
Xyst conducted an evaluation of 372 sports lights in the Waipa District by physically visiting each location to appraise the lights’ condition and evaluate their compliance with relevant lighting standards. A detailed GIS database was established, and a report containing suggestions for enhancement was prepared.
Fiordland National Park – Review of Lighting Regulations
A review of all national, regional and local regulatory policies and rules was undertaken by Xyst. This work was in preparation for making an application to the International Dark Sky Association for dark sky status for Fiordland National Park.
Hetana Street Reserve Classification
Xyst reviewed the background of the proposal and commissioned a land status report and an arborist assessment. We advised Council on the process and prepared the public notification documentation and the hearing and decision reports, and facilitated mana whenua engagement and the hearings.
TIF Round 7 Application – Tulloch Park Toilet and Change Room Development
As part of the Stage 2 development of Tulloch Park in Mataura, Gore District Council wishes to develop a new toilet and change facility to complement the new visitor assets in the park. These assets include a new playground, pump park, fitness circuit along with a new zero-depth splash pad, and refurbished court surfacing. The […]
Taitua Arboretum Development Plan
25 years on from the gifting of the Taitua Arboretum to the people of Hamilton City and 50 years on from the first tree plantings, the Arboretum’s landscape has changed significantly; the trees have matured, infrastructure has been developed and visitation has increased significantly. The intention was to take a fresh look at the Arboretum, […]