Subdivision Lighting Technical Reviews

Since 2021, Xyst has been providing technical reviews of lighting designs for residential subdivisions and commercial developments submitted for engineering approval. Xyst has completed over 70 technical reviews, most within 24 hours of receipt.

Owen Delany Park Stadium and Sports Lighting

Owen Delany Park

The Owen Delany Stadium hosts national and regional sporting events. Xyst were engaged to specify the stadium lighting for televised events and the lower rugby fields to semi-professional lighting standards. The project was procured by Xyst under an open tender and design build methodology. Project management was provided by Taupo District Council with Xyst performing […]

Nelson Sports Field Capacity Review

Nelson City Council Sports Field Capacity Review

This review addressed the community desire for increased winter sports training capacity in Nelson. The objective of the report was to provide independent professional advice to Nelson City Council on whether a proposed artificial sports turf is the best solution to a shortage of playing fields in the Nelson City area. And, if not, to […]

Sports Field Capacity Review

Nelson City Council - Sports Field Capacity Review

The issue to be addressed by this review was the community desire for increased winter sports training capacity in Nelson. The objective of the report was to provide independent professional advice to Nelson City Council on whether a proposed artificial sports turf is the best solution to a shortage of playing fields in the Nelson […]

Pookeno Multi-Purpose Court Lighting

Pokeno Lighting

Xyst undertook preliminary lighting design and specification for a refurbished multi-purpose sports court, along with a technical review of the selected supplier. The outcome was a high quality 350 lux LED lighting scheme using Musco Lighting luminaires that is fully shielded, avoiding light spill for neighbours and protecting the night sky.

Sports Fields Lease Model Review

Waipa District Council

Xyst was contracted to complete this piece of work which included desktop analysis, stakeholder consultation and option analysis. For the purpose of this report, only green fields were considered which included sports such as: rugby, touch rugby, football, softball, athletics, lacrosse etc. Exclusions from this report included hard surfaces and specialised surfaces such as tennis […]

CPTED Assessment and Recommendations Report – Coronation and Russell Parks

Coronation and Russell Parks

Xyst visited both sites, took photographs, looked at CPTED criteria including natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, way finding, maintenance and lighting. Xyst spoke to stakeholders including the police, key lessees and the Rotary Club prior to making recommended improvements, with due consideration of budgets.

Assessment of Effects: Proposed Sports Lighting

Xyst prepared an assessment of effects to support a resource consent application for a major sports park lighting upgrade. Analysis of lighting calculations was performed against AS/NZS4282 and the effects on adjoining neighbours, road users and the night sky was considered.

Assessment of Effects – Sports Lighting Modifications

Xyst provided advice to Timaru District Council on the effects of changes to an existing sports lighting installation on neighbours. A brief report was prepared describing the likely effects and consequences of the proposed changes to the existing lighting.

Expert Witness – Te Tai o Poutini Plan (Lighting)

Xyst reviewed the lighting policies, objectives and rules of the combined West Coast District Plan and provided evidence to Commissioners and advice to the reporting officer for the section 42a report. This included site assessment and consideration of the effects of light across a wide range of industries and land uses. Input on the draft […]

Rakiura – Stewart Island Dark Sky Sanctuary

Following our earlier work investigating the feasibility of dark sky designations for Southland, Xyst was asked to prepare the application for the Rakiura – Stewart Island Dark Sky Sanctuary. Sanctuaries are the most remote (and often darkest) places in the world where conservation state is most fragile. Xyst prepared a GIS data collection project to […]