Meadow Bank Reserve Development

Meadow Bank Reserve

Procurement for Stormwater and Recreational Improvements. Xyst worked with Hutt City park officers and stormwater engineers to procure a revised stormwater improvement design and subsequently, a construction contractor, to commence site works in June 2024. Xyst also developed a revised landscape concept plan for recreational improvements – including a new accessible track, providing greater access […]

Streets for People Concept Development Plan

Xyst worked with the project team, and engaged with key stakeholders in the development of a series of landscape concept plans for key sites within the project area that included painted street planters and planting, footpath and electrical box murals, and the inclusion of additional seating and rest areas that connect with adjacent green spaces […]

Better Off Funding Application

The Mackenzie District Council was offered the opportunity to apply for $1.55m in funding in the first tranche of the Better Off Funding program through the Department of Internal Affairs. Given staff shortages, the Council engaged Xyst to piece together the application. Funding was to be given to projects with strong cultural ties. Prior work […]

Fraser Stream Willow Control

The Fraser Stream, located in a semi-rural area in Twizel, experienced extensive damage to the crack willows along its banks following a severe storm. Multiple fallen trees congested the stream, impeding flow and increasing the flood risk to surrounding properties. Because these willows were outside Environment Canterbury’s (ECAN) rating area, the Mackenzie District Council requested […]

Lake Alexandrina Outlet Creek Willow Removals

The Mackenzie District Council received reports of high lake levels and flooding around the outlet creek at Lake Alexandrina, which was causing adverse impacts on wildlife and infrastructure. Xyst was brought in to address the issue, initiating a project to remove the crack willows that were blocking the outlet creek. Given the sensitive nature of […]

Strathconan Pool Plant Refurbishment

The Strathconan Pool was identified as non-compliant with New Zealand Pool Water Quality Standards (NZS 5826:2010), with a water turnover exceeding eight hours. The Mackenzie District Council deemed this unacceptable and decided to bring the Fairlie Pools plant up to compliance. Xyst project managed this work as a variation to the Pool Heating system upgrade […]

Lake Ruataniwha Northern Boat Ramp Toilet

A toilet block at Lake Ruataniwha was destroyed due to vandalism. Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to coordinate the insurance claim for its replacement and to project manage this work. This project involved coordinating the demolition of the old facility, lodging resource and building consents, and obtaining permissions from the Department of […]

Pool Heating Procurement & Project Management

In 2021, the heating systems at both the Fairlie and Twizel Pools failed to meet the demands of longer summer pool seasons, placing additional strain on the aging systems. In response, the Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to procure a suitable heating system for the pools. Coombes Aquatics successfully secured this contract, with Xyst managing […]

Judd Crescent Reserve Planting Plan and Planting Procurement

Judd Crescent

Xyst worked with Hutt City Council to develop a planting plan for a recently upgraded reserve at Judd Crescent in Naenae. We chose a suitable native plant palette for the area and developed the landscape planting plan and planting specifications, as well as procuring the plants and planting contractor.

Short Report on Public Toilet Construction Cost Comparisons

Cory Park Toilet Thames Coromandel District Council

Xyst engaged with leading public convenience facility suppliers, requesting costings for similar three-pan facility builds, including inclusions and exclusions for both pending builds and finished projects from the previous two financial years, in order to inform the report.

Wilding Pine Removals

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to assist with the removal of 60 hectares of wilding conifers (Contorta and Corsican) in a block visible from the Twizel-Tekapo Highway. Xyst’s team worked closely with ECAN and the Council’s Planning Team to identify the appropriate control method. Xyst then contacted multiple contractors to identify rates and procure […]

Marty McGregor

Marty McGregor

Marty has had a varied 20-year career in the Sport and Recreation industry.  He started working for Tasman Rugby in its formative years, managing and growing the community game before moving into Local Government with the Christchurch City Council in 2008.  Working as a Sports Liaison Advisor, Marty worked in the response, recovery, and delivery […]