Liz Oldfield

Senior Landscape Architect

I am a registered landscape architect with over 15 years in the field. I have significant experience working for local government and private practice on the design of open spaces including regional parks, local parks, beach reserves, archaeological sites, war memorial reserves, cemeteries, former quarries and landfills, play spaces, residential subdivisions and commercial landscapes.

You can contact me for help with

  • Landscape Architecture

My expertise

As a project landscape architect I have undertaken projects from masterplan or concept design through to detailed design and construction administration. 

My former role at Auckland Council also saw me take the lead preparing various guideline documents. These included the Piha Area Design Guidelines, the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Local Parks Design Guide and providing significant input into the development of the Auckland Design Manual (an online practical design resource).

I can clearly articulate design concepts and solutions through clever graphic representation and have built strong, ongoing client relationships in both my previous and current positions. My love of plants and permaculture has given me a deeper knowledge of native and exotic plants and their requirements to thrive. 

Over the past year, I have taken the lead in a personal weekend project where I have been instructing and guiding a small neighbourhood community group. Our goal has been to eliminate invasive plant species and to restore the kauri-podocarp-broadleaved forest on the southern edge of the Ōrewa Estuary through eco-sourced planting.


  • Bachelor Landscape Architecture (Hons) Unitec, Auckland 2008
  • Permaculture Design Certificate 2012, Auckland Permaculture Workshop AWARD – Best Permaculture Project
  • Registered Landscape Architect (NZILA) 2014
  • Toro Mai Te Reo Certificate 2021, Massey University (including ongoing learning of te reo Māori)


  • Registered member of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA) 

Xyst in action

I am passionate about understanding the ‘whakapapa of place’, not only through collaborative partnership with mana whenua and engagement with the community but also by understanding our natural environment. I believe that in every project there is an opportunity to unpick the story of a landscape, to restore ecosystems, provide climate sensitive, resilient, relevant design and to improve the wellbeing of those that visit.


My Projects