Lake Tekapo Township Rabbit Control

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to coordinate rabbit control in the Lake Tekapo township following a Notice of Direction from Environment Canterbury (ECAN).

Xyst began by procuring a suitable contractor for the operation, reaching out to multiple qualified operators for pricing. Staff then requested a detailed operational plan and conducted a site visit to determine an appropriate control method, which resulted in the use of bait stations followed by night shooting to minimise dangers to the public

Given the proximity to residential properties, roads, and people, an extensive communications plan was developed by Xyst in conjunction with the Council’s Communications Team. This plan involved sharing details through printed media, social media, the Council website, door knocks, physical signage at all reserve entries, and targeted emails to residents and hoteliers. Additional notifications were sent to the local health board, doctors, veterinarians, and police.

Project Benefit

Xyst procured a reputable pest control contractor and project managed a sensitive rabbit control operation in the Lake Tekapo township.
Client organisation
Mackenzie District Council
Project Management
Capital works project management