Leamington Domain Masterplan

Xyst worked in partnership with mana whenua to undertake site analysis with key staff and lessees, a two-stage public engagement process and community board and council engagement. This provided a greater understanding of the key design outcomes and priorities for development. It also strengthened Council’s relationships with mana whenua, lessees and the community and their connection to the Domain.

The final masterplan successfully enables a cohesive and strategic approach to developing the Domain. It strengthens Huarahi (connections and accessibility), identifies cultural connections to significant sites and landmarks, enables an area for a future Hauora Community Hub, connects and enhances the Taiao (natural environment), provides improved play and recreation outcomes and celebrates the history of māra (gardening) on the site.

Upon completion, we provided the Council with high-level preliminary cost estimates for priority developments within the Domain. This information will be used by staff to secure funding via the Long Term Plan and other funding avenues.

Project Benefit

Provide a comprehensive and cohesive long-term vision for Leamington Domain.
Client organisation
Waipā District Council
Open Space Planning
Open space master plan
Sport, Recreation and Community Planning
Sport and recreation master plans
GIS Analysis and mapping