Low Herbicide Weed Control Trial Study

Nelson City Council has received several requests from members of the public who have requested that pesticides aren’t used in Council’s parks and reserves. In response, Council has requested that Xyst Limited investigate the feasibility and implications of undertaking weed control in a selection of reserves with no (or minimal) herbicide use. The report considers herbicide use only as insecticides and fungicides are not generally used in the parks that have been proposed as case studies.

All areas considered for the trial were visited to collect information about weed management on the reserve. Following site visits, each reserve was analysed in terms of what it provides, how it is maintained, and the implications of any changes in management. Potential options for vegetation management without herbicides were assessed against each of the subject reserve areas and the potential costs weighed against the potential benefits. Recommendations were made for each reserve area including whether or not vegetation management without herbicides is feasible.

Project Benefit

The purpose of this study is to provide enough information to allow Nelson City Council to understand the financial, community and management implications of vegetation management without herbicides. This information will be used to inform the Long Term Plan (LTP) as to whether Council should invest in trialling chemical-free weed control and the cost implications in the suitable trial areas.
Client organisation
Nelson City Council
Open Space Planning
Reserve management plan
Policy development
Quality/performance assessments
Service Delivery
Levels of service setting
Contract specifications
Chemical use reduction