Assessment of Effects: Proposed Sports Lighting
Xyst prepared an assessment of effects to support a resource consent application for a major sports park lighting upgrade. Analysis of lighting calculations was performed against AS/NZS4282 and the effects on adjoining neighbours, road users and the night sky was considered.
Assessment of Effects – Sports Lighting Modifications
Xyst provided advice to Timaru District Council on the effects of changes to an existing sports lighting installation on neighbours. A brief report was prepared describing the likely effects and consequences of the proposed changes to the existing lighting.
Cemetery Capacity Investigation – Future Planning
We worked with Porirua City Council to understand their existing cemetery capacity and the future space required, to ensure Council can provide interment options for the next 30 years. Xyst considered a wide range of factors, including future utilisation of the existing land, to ensure it could be used to its full potential. The report […]
Freedom Camping Review
Xyst was engaged to review the current state of freedom camping in the Ōpōtiki District and provide options and recommendations for the future management of camping in the district. The review considered the supply and demand for camping in the district, current and potential future freedom camping issues and challenges, the economic and social contribution […]
Pakipaki Pouwhenua
This project brought numerous enhancements to a section of State Highway 2, which passes the Pakipaki community and Te Kura o Pakipaki, all aimed at mitigating traffic speed. We adopted a community-led approach, resulting in landscaping, road margin improvements and the installation of six magnificent pou whenua, accompanied by interpretation signs standing proudly outside Te […]
Expert Witness – Te Tai o Poutini Plan (Lighting)
Xyst reviewed the lighting policies, objectives and rules of the combined West Coast District Plan and provided evidence to Commissioners and advice to the reporting officer for the section 42a report. This included site assessment and consideration of the effects of light across a wide range of industries and land uses. Input on the draft […]
Margaret Mahy Playground Maintenance Plan
Following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, the Government’s Recovery Plan had a “city-wide family playground” as one of the elements of the East Frame. Xyst were engaged to prepare a comprehensive maintenance plan that captured warranty information and maintenance requirements for all items of play equipment and life cycle replacement timing and costs for surfacing, lighting […]
Cemetery Concept Plans and Capacity Analysis
Xyst undertook site analysis with key staff, an assessment of the statutory framework, a two-stage public engagement process, mana whenua engagement, and community board and council engagement in order to understand the cemetery network constraints and opportunities and to prepare and test concept plans and network priorities. Once completed, we analysed the plans to provide […]
Eastern Porirua Reserves Spatial Plan
Eastern Porirua is going through a period of change as Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities (Kāinga Ora) redevelops large areas of its land to meet housing demand and provide better community services to support growth. As part of this redevelopment the existing reserve network is being examined to determine whether it is fit for purpose […]
Reserve Management Plan – Te Rautaki mō ngā Whenua tāpui
Hauraki District Council is responsible for managing a variety of parks and reserves across the Hauraki District covering 433 ha. Xyst developed a single reserve management plan to cover all reserves in the district. The 2022 Reserve Management Plan has been prepared having considered: – the history and development of reserves so far – current […]
Open Spaces Service Delivery Review – Section 17A Local Government Act
The provision and maintenance of the open spaces in Ashburton district is currently delivered by an in-house team, which provides the full range of cemetery, parks and recreation, and public convenience services under the collective umbrella of “open space”. A service delivery review is a process of determining whether the existing means for delivering a […]
Sports Lighting Review
Nelson City has over 350 sports lights across the city. Xyst reviewed its 2018 condition assessment and gathered further information on the ownership and operation of sports lights and provided a prioritised programme for replacement and upgrading along with advice on the use of smart controls for ease of use by clubs.