Social Housing CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) Assessment
Xyst conducted interviews with properties and stakeholder relationships staff, and inspected the site both at day time and night time to make site observations on aspects such as natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, lighting and maintenance. We also conducted crime analysis and investigated demographic data. A comprehensive list of recommendations were made to […]
Remarkables Park Lighting Design
Xyst prepared a lighting masterplan and design guide which set out the lighting typology to be applied to the various stages of the Remarkables Park development in Queenstown. This incorporated human centric lighting and dark sky lighting principles. Specific lighting design and been undertaken for commercial streets and car parks as each stage of the […]
Invercargill Airport Lighting
Xyst designed both the airside, drop-off zone lighting for the Invercargill Airport. This project was one of the first LED installations for airside aprons and required extensive modelling and management of light to prevent light spill and glare.
Liz Oldfield
I am a registered landscape architect with over 15 years in the field. I have significant experience working for local government and private practice on the design of open spaces including regional parks, local parks, beach reserves, archaeological sites, war memorial reserves, cemeteries, former quarries and landfills, play spaces, residential subdivisions and commercial landscapes. You […]
Charlotte Blakey
With over 15 years combined experience in natural resource management and arboriculture, I have been involved in a variety of projects within the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. This includes the development of asset management plans, program management and implementation, development of policies and procedures, provision of technical advice, collection and analysis of field data, […]
Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF) Applications
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to submit successive applications to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF), administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE). Each application process began with Xyst collaborating with Councillors and General Managers, reviewing the Long Term Plan and Te Manahuna Ki Uta (the region’s Destination Management Plan) to identify […]
Aidan Perry
Since starting with Xyst, I have been involved with a mixture of tree and asset condition assessments, playground maintenance reports and cemetery reviews. These roles involve working on the ground to provide Council’s with up to date data on their open space areas. I have also been involved in working alongside council to fill the […]
Better Off Funding Application
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to compile a successful funding application for $1.55 million from the Better Off Fund, administered by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) as part of the Three Waters programme. Utilising prior consultation with the local Rūnanga and direction from the Council, General Managers identified six key projects for the […]
Rob Lile
As a Qualified Accountant, I have considerable commercial experience across several industry sectors. I have worked in both Aotearoa New Zealand and Europe, within the financial sector, and through my previous management roles and opportunities where I have been a business owner/operator, I am highly experienced in finance, budgeting, marketing, sales and IT, and I […]
Karl Nesbitt
I have over 30 years’ experience in the horticulture, parks and open spaces, community facilities and customer service sectors. I have been involved in contract management, business development and quality assurance programs such as Yardstick. You can contact me for help with Project management Asset management Environmental landscape Open space development Cemeteries and crematoria Community, […]
Nicki Malone
I am a highly experienced open space and local government professional, with more than 15 years’ experience in open space planning, including reserve management, master and concept planning, capital work programme development, project planning and management and community engagement. I have experience in developing relationships and partnering with mana whenua. You can contact me for […]
Fairlie Dog Park
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to develop a dog park for the Fairlie Community and the region’s visitors. Xyst started by identifying the project’s scope through engagement with the Fairlie Community Board. Xyst then procured products for the Dog Park, including dog-proof perimeter fencing, hydro-seeding, a drinking fountain, waste receptacles, seating and signage (aligned […]