Twizel Man Made Hill Development

The Twizel Community requested the transformation of “Man Made Hill”, an untidy mound of spoil from the Ministry of Works days. In response, Xyst crafted a concept plan for review and implementation by the Mackenzie District Council. The project’s primary goals were to engage the community, revegetate the hill, and enhance the existing walking trail. […]

Mauka Atua Reserve, Design & Development

Xyst took on the task of designing and developing the Mauka Atua Reserve, transforming it into a functional public space. Collaborating closely with the Lake Tekapo Community Board, Xyst identified and incorporated key features into a landscape plan for the reserve. After approval, Xyst project managed the site development, overseeing the project to completion. Over […]

Lake Tekapo Wild Fire Mitigation

Consultants from Xyst, engaged by the Mackenzie District Council, received a report from Fire & Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) identifying Lake Tekapo’s vulnerabilities to wildfire. This report identified four key risk areas including two blocks of Mackenzie District Council land, the Tekapo River and the Southern Forestry blocks boarding Murray Place and Hamilton Drive. Seeing […]

Fairlie Ashes Circle

The team at Xyst were engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to spearhead the development of the Fairlie Cemetery Ashes Circle. The project started with a comprehensive landscaping plan, led by Xyst’s in-house landscape architect. Staff then used these plans to engage with the local community, including Community Board Members, the Fairlie Lions, Veteran’s Affairs, […]

Kaiapoi Community Hub Project Management

Waimakariri District Council

The Kaiapoi Community Hub is a complex programme of works located in the red zone area within Waimakariri as a result of the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. The project aims to provide a home for numerous community organisations. We assisted with budget tracking, timeline management, land negotiations and stakeholder engagement for the first stage of the […]

Lottery Community Facilities Grant Application – Tulloch Park Stage 2

Tulloch Park Gore District Council

Xyst reviewed eligibility to the fund and prepared the application content, which included detailing the nature of the project, identifying the community need the project will meet, specification of the new park assets, community engagement and evidence of support. Gore District Council successfully secured the full $300,000 of co-funding.

Taitua Memorial Landscape Design

Taitua Memorial Landscape Design

Xyst received input from the TAG group on the direction for the memorial and developed the concept and the detailed design set including signage design. Signage was produced and the design set delivered to Council landscape construction firms for pricing.

Port Ōhope Wharf – TIF Application

Xyst detailed out a two-phase development including landscape concept plans, specifications and high level project pricing. Phase 1 included the exterior southern plaza, recreational wharf, and car parking area upgrades, and the interior (former ‘cargo’) shed fit out for visitor and public events and activities. Phase 2 included a new large northern concreted plaza area […]

Putāruru Water Park – Stage 2 Visitors Precinct – TIF Application

Xyst detailed the proposal, the project description, the proposed infrastructure, funding source investigation, the project milestones, risks and mitigations for the project in the application for funding. This included links to the river installation in Stage 1 to the annual appearance of Matariki by way of two significant sculptural installations, representing the connection between Ranginui […]

Twizel Resource Recovery Park – Planting Plan & Planting

Twizel Resource Recovery Park

Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to produce a planting plan and project manage the planting of the Twizel Resource Recovery Park. Xyst’s team started with a site visit to assess the planting conditions, taking into account the soil, prevailing wind, location of services, and other critical site components. Our landscape architect team […]