Hawea Historical Park Draft Co-Management Plan

Hawea Historical Park (the ‘Park’) is co-owned through a 50/50 partnership between mana whenua of the hapū Ngāti Hawea, Ngāti Hori, and Ngāti Hinemoa who are represented through the four marae, Kohupātiki, Matahiwi, Ruahāpia, and Waipatu, and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. To represent and acknowledge this unique concept and partnership, mana whenua fittingly bestowed […]

Liz Oldfield

Liz Oldfield

I am a registered landscape architect with over 15 years in the field. I have significant experience working for local government and private practice on the design of open spaces including regional parks, local parks, beach reserves, archaeological sites, war memorial reserves, cemeteries, former quarries and landfills, play spaces, residential subdivisions and commercial landscapes. You […]

Charlotte Blakey

Charlotte Blakey

I am responsible for working on a wide range of consultancy projects with local authority clients. I have a wide range of experience from procurement and contract management, to developing tree inventories and tree management planning. You can contact me for help with Asset management – GIS mapping and data collection Tree assessments – condition, […]

Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF) Applications

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to submit successive applications to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF), administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE). Each application process began with Xyst collaborating with Councillors and General Managers, reviewing the Long Term Plan and Te Manahuna Ki Uta (the region’s Destination Management Plan) to identify […]

Rob Lile

As a Qualified Accountant, I have considerable commercial experience across several industry sectors.  I have worked in both Aotearoa New Zealand and Europe, within the financial sector, and through my previous management roles and opportunities where I have been a business owner/operator, I am highly experienced in finance, budgeting, marketing, sales and IT, and I […]

Karl Nesbitt

I have over 30 years’ experience in the horticulture, parks and open spaces, community facilities and customer service sectors. I have been involved in contract management, business development and quality assurance programs such as Yardstick. You can contact me for help with Project management Asset management Environmental landscape Open space development Cemeteries and crematoria Community, […]

Nicki Malone

I am a highly experienced open space and local government professional, with more than 15 years’ experience in open space planning, including reserve management, master and concept planning, capital work programme development, project planning and management and community engagement. I have experience in developing relationships and partnering with mana whenua. You can contact me for […]

Fairlie Dog Park

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to develop a dog park for the Fairlie Community and the region’s visitors. Xyst started by identifying the project’s scope through engagement with the Fairlie Community Board. Xyst then procured products for the Dog Park, including dog-proof perimeter fencing, hydro-seeding, a drinking fountain, waste receptacles, seating and signage (aligned […]

Jenn Benden

As a Director, my focus at Xyst is across parks and recreation consulting, business development, managing staff, and strategic direction. I grew up in Vancouver, Canada, have lived and worked in Australia, and now live in New Zealand. My specialist areas are strategic planning for parks, sport and community facilities, as well as project management […]


The management of trees and the urban forest is vital to mitigating the effects of climate change and to the health and wellbeing of communities