Taupō SuperLoo Facility and Service Review Report
Xyst investigated the history, current services, and impact of Covid-19 on usage, revenue and current operational costs. The building life and expected future capital costs were also assessed. Comparative analysis of similar facilities around the country was provided. A prediction of future tourism demand was made along with qualitative analysis provided from user commentary about […]
Property and Facilities Activity Management Plan review
Xyst provided an at-a-glance review of the asset management plan as the first stage of Council’s plan rewrite. We prepared a report that lists suggested improvements in a table and will include issues, comments and suggestions for each AMP section. It remained at a high level and did not attempt to address or rewrite any […]
Memorial Headstone Safety Audit
The intent of the audit by Xyst was to inspect memorial headstones for stability/soundness and identify any headstones that may present a risk to cemetery visitors and staff. To provide some context, in July 2000 a six-year-old child died as a result of a collapsed headstone in a UK cemetery. UK Councils responded by increasing […]
Public Toilet Strategy
Public toilets are important community facilities for residents and visitors to maintain a safe, healthy, clean and tidy city. This Strategy considers facility provision, distribution, condition, usage, design elements, levels of service, operations and maintenance, future growth and future costs. Xyst provided robust data, information and evidence to inform an implementation plan to be used […]
Asset & Facility Risk Assessments
New councillors were worried about the risks posed to their community, so the Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to perform a risk assessment on a range of community facilities and assets. Xyst’s team started by performing several site assessments, including the Albury Playground, Twizel Machinery Display, and Twizel Pool, producing several advisory reports for the […]
Parks & Facilities Management
Xyst was brought on board after a thorough risk and performance evaluation of the Mackenzie District Council’s parks and community facilities operations. Xyst was then asked to fill a sudden staff management gap, which quickly evolved into a long-term commitment to manage the District’s public facilities, parks, and community spaces. Throughout this period, Xyst’s team […]
Contract Performance Auditing
Nelson City Council engaged Xyst to carry out contract performance auditing. Xyst has developed an inspection template using a mobile app that allows performance against a set of performance measures from contract specifications to be scored from 1 to 5 and to produce an overall percentage score for each location. Activities audited include grass maintenance, […]
Waitaki Public Toilet Performance Assessment
To undertake this work for Waitaki District Council, Xyst used its public toilet performance assessment tool to provide an individual assessment and report for each public toilet complete with photos and an overall performance score. Each toilet was assessed for: • Facility description (materials, gender configuration, location) • Condition (floors, walls, ceiling, fixtures, roof – […]
Yardstick Parks User Surveys
Yardstick Parks User Surveys were developed in around 2008 initially as a paper based intercept survey designed to target park users and measure satisfaction with a range of parks related services and features. The product was initially called Parkcheck and is still known as this by some users. The surveys were taken online in 2015 […]
Recreation Facilities Utilisation Study
The Xyst team undertook an assessment of the sport and recreation facilities across the Ashburton District, providing key provisions including a gap analysis and trend overview for 17 different sport and recreation activities. To support the analysis, we met with different sport and recreation clubs across the district to understand utilisation of their current facilities, […]
Liz Oldfield
I am a registered landscape architect with over 15 years in the field. I have significant experience working for local government and private practice on the design of open spaces including regional parks, local parks, beach reserves, archaeological sites, war memorial reserves, cemeteries, former quarries and landfills, play spaces, residential subdivisions and commercial landscapes. You […]
Nicki Malone
I am a highly experienced open space and local government professional, with more than 15 years’ experience in open space planning, including reserve management, master and concept planning, capital work programme development, project planning and management and community engagement. I have experience in developing relationships and partnering with mana whenua. You can contact me for […]